joee schapiro dance

Tuition 2024 - 2025
Based on 4 class meeting per month
Per month
1/2 hr
3/4 hr
1 hr
1 + 1/4 hr
1 + 1/2 hr
1 + 3/4 hr
2 hrs
2 + 1/2 hrs
3 hrs
3 + 1/2 hrs
4 hrs
4 + 1/2
5 hrs
1st child
2nd child -20% discount
Monthly tuition is paid on the 1st of each month and a late fee of $5.00 is applied after the 14th of the month. Tuition is only pro rated when you start your first class. The semester and yearly discounts are paid in full no matter when you start your first class.
Registration fee goes from August 1st to the June Recital.
No summer registration fee is required
Registration Fee:
New Student $42.00
Former Student $32.00
2nd child $36.00
2nd child $26.00
We accept cash - credit and debit cards - checks
Semester Fall (18 weeks) and Spring (24 weeks) – 7% discount
Full year tuition (42 weeks) – 10% discount
Tuition rates apply for the 1st child in the family… 20% discount for each additional family member. Family means siblings living in the same household (not cousins).